Friday, October 1, 2010

Thursday and thoughts

Thursday was ride 5k, rest 3 minutes times two. Did this on the trainer and since my computer does not work off the back wheel did ride 9 minutes, rest 3 minutes times two.

After viewing Max's video (I notice I was not in it - bad interview?), I started to reflect back on Lake Placid again. I realize that you can only have one first Ironman so replicating this experience will be impossible; however, I feel the need to do an Ironman in 2011 and to get back to LP in 2012.

I reviewed the photo gallery of me at the race - damn, I looked good! The one photo on the bike with the water in the background was breathtaking.

The marathon is barely a week away and I am looking forward to it. I feel more ready than ever and this is mainly due to having completed an Ironman and to the Crossfit training. I admit to throwing some LSD in there for the marathon, but I have held mostly to the crossfit endurance ideals - quality over quantity. I know this is what is making me both physically and mentally strong!

I plan to take a break after the marathon. Probably one week totally off and then some unstructured, low intensity workouts. I will work in off-season strength training about a month after the marathon and get back to training in earnest around December 1st.

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