Sunday, September 5, 2010

Way off the reservation

Saturday was supposed to a be 60k time trial and a crossfit workout. A good friend of mine who I have not seen a long time wanted to ride with me - I was not going to say no. We rode about 33 hilly miles - I pushed the hills, but other than that did not go hard due to wanting to ride with my friend. Did not do the 30, 20, 10 reps of wall balls, squats and pushups.

Sunday was supposed to be 300 squats for time and a swim interval session. I went for a long run with another friend who I don't see very often - they were going 20 so I decided I would go 18 to try to finish around the same time as them. Actual distance was 18.17 in 2:53 for an average pace of 9:31. They finished a little before me.

Going to run easy tomorrow to relieve myself of some lactic acid and should be back on the schedule on Tuesday.

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