Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Surprise results

Worked late today. It's been a little slow, but the work is coming in now and I don't want to get behind. I don't need that stress right now.

Got to the Gym at 9:00 p.m. Felt like old times. At least I did not have to wait for a lane. I swam 800 yards for time and fully expected a mediocre result. There was a guy swimming in the lane next to me and I was trying to catch up to him, that might have helped push me a little. I quite honestly though felt that I lacked energy. I just checked my time (no reason to check it before I get to my log) and I swam the 800 in 13:30. My prior best was 13:47 which was about two months ago. The thought struck me that maybe I miscounted, but I've gotten much better at keeping track of my laps - this was a good time, and a surprise to me.

The second workout was a 5000m row. Once again I was not expecting much as I did not have that sense of energy surging through me. This was not a PR, but it was surprisingly close to my prior best time and I beat my time from two months ago (by four seconds). I may have been able to do a little better as I started my final sprint a little too early.

Tomorrow's bike intervals should give me a good idea of where I stand with my recovery. I have been very strict on my diet as I believe this to be a critical component of recovery.

Good night (sleep is also critical)!


  1. I agree with your on the diet and recovery for sure. If you've got any lap counting tips Id love to hear them.

  2. I repeat the lap in my head the hole lap - as soon as I turn I change the number and repeat it the hole lap again.................It's quite rudimentary, but it quite honestly keeps your mind off the pain.
