Friday, May 21, 2010

What a way to wake up!

I ended up postponing yesterday's Xfit workout until this morning. I woke up feeling stiff and dehydrated - must have shorted my hydration on the bike last night. I had some water before I went to sleep, but apparently not enough. I started hydrating as soon as I woke up - I'm a slow waker so I putzed around for a few minutes before getting in the car and heading to LAF.

Since it was morning and the workout wasn't following another workout I made sure I warmed-up and stretched before I got going. As soon as I got going I felt pretty good. 21 burpees, 500m row, 15 burpees, 500m row, 9 burpees, 500m row. Finished in 10:25 - 35 seconds faster than the last time I did this workout. Not bad!


  1. Well done. For a quick workout, this one kicked my ass.

  2. Nice job Martin, Good luck this weekend.

  3. Agree with Mike that this one was hard! Not sure why it was harder than the KB swings, but it was! Great way to start the day :).
