Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Infrequent blogging leads to..........

Blog anxiety!

Well....work is ramping up for a very busy tax season. We are in full swing of year-end planning and gearing up for the coming tax season. I've already put in a few 12+ hour days and I can see plenty more on the horizon. I missed a couple of workouts, and believe it or not it was due to family commitments rather than work. It's going to get tough, but I constanly remind myself of the bigger goal out there and I am committed to finding the balance that works.

Crossfit definately helps as many of the workouts can be done from the house - no travel time and done in 30 minutes +/- a few. I was originally worried that I would feel like I was not doing enough, but I have been sore and tired from the workouts, so they are definately pushing me.

For example - Friday (because I missed Thur) was back squat body weight for three sets (max reps each set). I was sore for three days after that.

Sunday I did three 5K bike time trials. It was cold, but I wanted to get this in not being sure when I will be relegated to the indoor trainer.

Yesterday I did 500 meter row, 15 push ups, 15 sit ups, 15 pullups 3x for time. I completed this in 21:30. I think I could do it in 20 - hope it comes up again. This was a brutal workout and worked my legs way more than I thought was possible.

I'm one workout behind. Today is a scheduled rest day and I may need to take it due to work and family committments so I may stay one workout behind. Tomorrow is my favorite workout (500 squats for time). Yeah!!! 30 minute bike time trial as well - will try to get that done in the morning - otherwise it will be a trainer workout.

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