Friday, July 2, 2010

two more down

5 x 800 meters w/ 3 minutes rest. Times were as follows: 3:26, 3:31, 3:32, 3:34, 3:42. Not sure what happened with the last one - I felt like I ran it hard and I was using a metronome so my cadence was the same as the prior set. I almost ran anothter just so I could end on a positive note, but decided that now is not the time to go off plan.

Second workout was max deadlifts times 7. I did four as follows 235, 255, 265, 275. I was really not feeling it and although I rarely ever bag a workout, deadlifts are not where I want to fall apart. If this was any other type of workout I would have kept going.


  1. I was also going to grab my metronome for this run circuit today - thanks for the reminder. This run is a manageable one for me - the 10K run however tomorrow, will be turned into a row - ugh.

  2. Well done, and nice setup on the bike :)
