Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Initially disappointed

Swam 500 for time. Felt strong throughout, turns were good (for touch turns anyway). My time was 8:18 which I initially thought was a bad time until I entered it into my workout log. I beat my prior best by two seconds. Swim times don't come down real fast so I am happy with any improvement here.

I was a little disappointed with the second workout which was 10, 20, 30 reps of Box Jumps, Squats, pushups and burpees. I finished in 12:47 - I'm pretty sure I finished this in 12:00 back in March. I worked it hard so I am happy with my effort, just not the result. I hit my makeshift box awkward on the first rep of the second round and almost took a digger.


  1. Nice PR on the swim Martin! Shaving second off those intervals is super hard work!

    I bet you miscounted somewhere in the CF WOD. Probably did 10 extra something... ;)

  2. Nice try, but I don't think I miscounted. When you are in that much pain you don't do extra. There's a possiblity that the time is not right on my prior workout (I think it was March 20th), but this one was accurate.
