Saturday, May 8, 2010

Haven't seen one of these in a while

One of what? A PR, that's what. Did the 21 situps, run 200m, 18 situps, run 200m down to 3 situps followed by 200m run. Finished in 8:47 vs. 9:02 last time. I ran these in my running flats - forgot I even had these - purchased them years ago when I was going to do some corporate track meet which I never actually participated in. They have never been used - it's almost like running barefoot. I did my best to run with good posture and strike mid foot - could really feel the ground with these on. I warmed down by running a couple of laps barefoot as well. I feel tightness in areas I don't usually, so I definately did something different - I can only hope it was right.


  1. Woo Hoo. I love my running flats and use them for almost all running circuits. If you happen to feel tightness in your calve - I felt the same when starting w/the flats and realized I was really way too much on my toes. Just takes practice.

  2. Calves and achilles. I don't think I am too much on my toes, just not used to striking correctly. My running form (which I hope to soon be my historical running form) is so far off from correct that I am going to feel any change even if it is for the better.

  3. Martin "The Hammer". Great job!!
