Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Still sore

Well....I decided to take a couple of days off. It's not programmed this way, but I can barely walk so a workout is not going to happen. I am a little looser today than I was yesterday so I expect to be in the pool tomorrow. I'll see how I feel before I decide if I'm doing the Xfit circuit tomorrow.

Hopefully I'm in much better shape on Thursday as I am eager to start doing my running drills. I ordered the POSE running technique DVD and the CHI Running book yesterday.

I'm still a little off mentally, but I'm not a quitter by nature. If there is a way to resolve my running issues I will find it (with some much needed help from Max).


  1. Martin- my ability to run longer w/less (or no) injury really improved as I changed my form. I used "Evolution Running" which is very similar to what you reference above (personally I think Danny Dreyer focuses a bit too much on the "Chi" aspect of it all, but to each his own). Best of luck...

  2. Glad you are healing both mentally and physically. I know it's hard not to think about it, but once you get going again, you won't look back. You survived and did it...you still should be proud. You are going to be my motivation for getting through my race at the end of March! Way to go.

  3. Martin, you can not control the past. The future is unknown... Do your best on the present and you will be OK. Come on buddy!
