Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I Rock!

Had a great day today. I generally do my TT's before my strength workouts, but for some reason decided to switch it up today. I did the Amrap, 4 burpees, 8 pushups, 12 situps workout in the afternoon. Did 19 full rounds and the burpees and pushups on the 20th round. I hit 20 min almost exactly as I finished the pushups. I finished off the set just to make it a complete set. I'm not sure what got into me today - I pushed this workout to the max. My chest and abs were screaming for mercy, but the more it hurt the harder I pushed. I did not care if got to muscle failure - I just kept pushing, no thought whatsoever about pacing it to make sure I could complete.

I ran a couple of hours later. As soon as I started I knew it was going to be a good run. I modified the 5.8 mile (the failed 10k) route to make sure it was 10k. According to mapquest it is exactly 10k, but my GPS had it at 6.5. I'm not sure what to believe as they have both proven to be accurate in the past. Either way it was a good run. I finished in 52:54 - if 10k my running pace was 8:30 and this is close to, or the best time that I have done for a 10k. If 6.5, pace drops to 8:08 and it is by far the best run I have done at this distance any time in the last three years. Like I said, either way it was a good run. I will clock it by car soon, but will have to deal with this uncertainty for now.

I am sore all over. Back and bi's from 100 pullups yesterday. Chest, tris and abs from today's workout. My legs aren't necessarily sore (we'll see what tomorrow brings), but they know they have been worked.

I have intentionally left the time for the pullups out of this entry. I'm proud of the time; however it is irrelevant. I did all 100, no assist (didn't even know about those machines until reading about them in the blogs). I did this workout at 11:00 p.m. at night as it was a long work day and I had a lunch appointment so couldn't get out then. I am so programmed to getting my workouts done that I don't think I would have been able to sleep if I skipped it. Here's the thing that I keep coming back to - one year ago, scratch that, nine months ago I would not have been able to do 100 pullups (if I could it would have taken at least 3 times the amount of time). I was 20 pounds heavier and less muscled. I had motivation but lacked direction. It has been an unbelievable ride, one that I hope to continue for a long time. Thank you Max!


  1. Yahoooooie! Way to go! You DO rock - there's no slacker in you.

  2. Wow, way to go! And my upper body is feeling exactly the same as yours - but it is a good pain, right!

  3. Awesome Martin!! Not only do you Rock, but you are a Rockstar!!

  4. Great job Martin. Pushing yourself harder each time. Way to go.
